
this is a test of the exigent thoughts consortium!!!

The best thing to do in the morning, in my mind, is to cruise down the highway, listening to Orbital, on a sunny morning. Sure, things need to get done, but at that moment nothing else is important.

Moving forward this blog is an observational instrument. Here will be posted studies, observations, theorems, and all-encompassing brain dumps regarding the humanistic aspects of the world we live in. Many parties shall remain nameless in the interest of shifting the focus from individuals to a mostly general reporting of human behavior. In the odd chance that people find my writings to hold some interest I encourage others to contribute queries, comments, and concerns to make this an open source project.

This blog will serve several purposes. Those ends may be reached in any manner as I see fit, however, the paths on which I will pursue those ends may take any number of forms.

The primary purpose of this blog is to air my grievances and purge myself of the bad blood with which the masses of psychic vampires have polluted my system. In this electronic medium I will act as my own therapist. When serving myself in this capacity I will dig deep to pull out those issues that contaminate my mind thus purifying my mental state and freeing me to focus on more pertinent and pressing issues.

The secondary role of these writings is to educate others as to my reality. Of course there exists a consensus reality. However, to deny that individuals, myself included, retain no personal reality is to concede that humans, and other sentient beings, are nothing more than ants. Toiling endlessly for a collective, never committing any time to oneself, would undoubtedly be denied by any thoughtful being as an unacceptable way to exhaust a potentially useful life. Therefore, this blog purports to, and will indeed, educate myself and others on how to live a more directed and informed existence.

Finally, in a tertiary and more corollary role, this blog will serve as an inlet and outlet of good humor. Anything taken too seriously for any extended duration will surely create an unmanageable bulk of neuroses, which in time will debilitate even the strongest of creatures. This has been proven throughout time by the manifested evil of the grumpy boss, the unwavering dictator, and those foul creatures that derive pleasure from the pain of others. Because such people project their inequities and insecurities onto those who wish not to exert control over others is proof positive that these people have lost control over their own lives and have succumbed to the role of inflexible 'dick-headedness.'

Certain aspects of this page may sometimes delve into the darkest and foulest of places and other times we may tease into the limelight lighter issues of human nature. Rest assured, this project will certainly be paramount in truth and relevance with as few factual inaccuracies as possible.

With that, I leave you to slide into the edge of your seat in anticipation of stories, allusions, excerpts, and observations ranging from the beautiful and sublime to the abhorrent, with all those juicy bits, usually discarded in the interest of brevity and short attention span, in the middle.

Thank you and good day... I said GOOD DAY!